Sanosil Aerosol Disinfectant (High Germ Load)

Working Principle

The active substance used in SANOSIL S010 is hydrogen peroxide. The active substance is stabilized and boosted with silver, thus achieving a greatly improved effectiveness against micro-organisms. The traces of silver remaining on the treated surfaces are not visible. However, they efficiently inhibit a renewed contamination. The elemental oxygen (O2) separated by the hydrogen peroxide attacks the cell walls of the micro-organisms directly.

The chemical reaction between the oxygen and the cell wall molecules will cause these to be denatured and destroyed. This effect is intensified by the silver ions which form a bond with the disulfide bridge of certain proteins of micro-organisms, thereby inactivating or precipitating these proteins.


SANOSIL S010 may be used for:

  • Surface Disinfection
  • Disinfection by Immersion
  • Water systems
  • Water disinfection

The diluted solutions of SANOSIL S010 are particularly well suited to the disinfection of contaminated surfaces. Soiled surfaces should be previously cleaned in order to ensure perfect disinfection. The better the cleaning procedure (for example with high pressure cleaner, brush and soap water) the more effective the subsequent disinfection.

Recommended Dosage – Overview

SANOSIL S010 should be dosed according to the specific application method sheet. Effectiveness: Bacteria, viruses, yeasts and fungi, bacterial endospores, biofilm.


Sanosil S010 undiluted is a powerful oxidising agent.  It is heat sensitive above 60ºC – spontaneous decomposition may occur. Contact with brass, bronze, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, silver, zinc and other catalytic metal will accelerate decomposition. Contact with concentrated acid, alkalis reducing agents, dirt, ash, rust or metal dust will also cause spontaneous decomposition. Therefore these materials must be absent in transfer pumps and pipework. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use. (Please refer to Safety Data Sheet for detailed handling and storage information).


5L non-returnable drums.


Field representatives can work closely with customer personnel to assure the effective application of the water treatment programme.

More Information

Further information can be obtained from the Sanosil website at: and for customers outside the UK visit

The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. The company shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling, contact, mis-use or mis-application of the above product. In all instances the user should satisfy themselves that this product is suitable for the anticipated application and should carry out suitable and sufficient risk/COSHH assessments and a method of use statement.

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