
BS-EN testing standards achieved;

EPA approved to kill Ebola virus (EN14476) – virucidal quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants.

NHS Infection Research Laboratory

We did a lot of our testing with NHS Infection Research Laboratory at the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham.

This is the most highly regarded testing in infection control. Although the testing is much tougher to pass, the approvals are invaluable. Similar testing in other laboratories that we have used may have a higher log result but we wanted to prove that the product can achieve incredible results in difficult, soiled conditions.

NHS requires a log3 (99.9%) result in 60 minutes on Hepatitis-C, Poliovirus and Norovirus for instance – whereas we had a >log4 (99.99%) in just 5 minutes.

Test Results

As a result of all testing overview, the NHS awarded us a EN14485 after evaluating all test data against pathogen groups of;


We did much of our virus testing with BluTest in Glasgow. This highly regarded facility conducts testing accepted by the NHS and validates their testing standards.

Again their testing is much tougher to pass but the approvals are invaluable. The test results proved the product can achieve incredible results in difficult, soiled conditions against viruses.


Dr Brill

We have done a good deal of testing with Dr Brill in Germany. They are also a highly regarded laboratory and their approvals are accepted worldwide.

They major on bacteria and fungi / yeast testing and we had the product tested at high dilutions 100-1 to 400-1 with exceptional results.


We also had testing carried out on major HAI infections found in hospital and general healthcare (Healthcare acquired infections)

Healthcare acquired infections

List of tested pathogens: