
Tens of thousands of patients die each year from infections they develop after being admitted to hospitals and clinics. Typically, healthcare workers moving from patient to patient raise the risk of spreading infections. Healthcare settings can be complex areas, difficult to properly disinfect with the usual wiping methods and therefore require an effective and fast disinfection service in place.

It is important that your premises is being compliant to the regulations set out within the Health and Social Care Act which is assessed by the CQC (Care Quality Commission). If the CQC are not satisfied that these regulations are being complied with then they can immediately close the premises damaging the reputation of the premises and causing a loss of any earnings.

Let us help you in ensuring that you are creating an environment which is safe and actively working towards reducing the risks of HAI’s and other bacteria, viruses and pathogens.


• General Wards • Accident and Emergency. • Waiting Rooms • Operating Theatres • Equipment Storage Spaces  • Triage, Pre and Post Op •  Inside Ambulances


Healthcare acquired infections

• MRSA • ESBL • VRE • Klebsiella pneumonia • Salmonella • E.coli • Candid albicans